The Las Vegas Film Critics Society and its annual awards program has grown in stature and prestige. With a population over two million and among the highest movie theater locations per capita, the fastest growing city in America, Las Vegas, Nevada has begun to take its place among major film cities of the country.


The Las Vegas Film Critics Society is a non-profit, progressive organization dedicated to the advancement and preservation of film and is composed of selected print, television, radio and Internet film critics in the Las Vegas and Reno area. The LVFCS presents its "Sierra" awards each year for the best in film, including The William Holden Lifetime Achievement Award, which is named for the brilliant Academy Award winning actor.


Teaming up with The Nevada Film Office, the LVFCS is proud to present the annual "Silver Nitrate Award" which is given to an individual or organization for outstanding contribution to film within the great state of Nevada.


The LVFCS also recognizes a lifelong contribution to film with its yearly "Cinema Heritage Award" to citizens of Nevada. Past recipients have included Senator Richard Bryan of Nevada.


2023 Sierra Award Winner for Best Picture

The William Holden

Lifetime Achievement Award

Click here to learn more about The William Holden

Lifetime Achievement Award